Looking for a specific style? Learn how all styles are connected.

The styles that influence our teaching.

Distance DETERMINES the style

In order to better understand the styles we teach it's important to lay a foundation to understand the various styles of Martial Arts that exist today.

On a physical level all styles of Martial Arts are based on THREE different DISTANCES. Here is a list of styles and their emphasized distance, however in fairness remember that styles tend to progress and change over time, and just because a style is listed at a certain range doesn't mean they don't practice techniques from other ranges. This list is only designed to be a general guideline:

  1. Long range. Styles include Karate, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Western Boxing, Hapkido, Tang Soo Do, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, Capoeira, and many others.

  2. Medium Range. Styles used against grabs and chokes, these styles include Judo, Aikido, Grecko Roman Wrestling, Most of the Filipino arts, and many others.

  3. Close Range. (Almost always on the ground) these styles include Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Japanese Jujitsu, Sambo, Wrestling, and many others.

  4. Depending on where you study Martial Arts there are also some well recognized blended styles including Krav Maga, Hapkido, Jeet Kun Do and other certain styles of Kung Fu and competitive Mixed Martial Arts; MMA, that (depending on the teacher) do a good job attempting to blend the various distances to make the art practical. However; the human body can only move a limited number of ways. All styles (no matter what they are called) are essentially doing the same techniques —despite the use of different names.

Styles also have vast variation. In every style there are excellent teachers and students, but in every style there are also poor teachers and students. Because of these disparities, the name of a style is often not helpful.

In other parts of the world style is less important:

Here in the United States, when someone finds out you are practicing Martial Arts, they immediately ask you two questions. You will be asked: What is your style? and "What color is your belt?"

But in Japan, China or India you are asked: “How LONG have you practiced?” and “Who is your TEACHER?”

Bruce Lee said this about his own style (Jeet Kune do): “A Jeet Kune Do man who says Jeet Kune Do is exclusively Jeet Kune Do is simply NOT with it. He has not digested the simple fact that truth exists outside all molds; pattern and awareness is never exclusive. Jeet Kune Do is just a name used, a boat to get one across, and once across it is to be discarded and not to be carried on one's back.” — Bruce Lee

What style do WE teach?

We mix multiple styles, including Karate, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Judo, Aikido, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and others (See the list below). The technique we practice various greatly depending on the distance we are considering defending ourselves from. I've found that no one style is effective at all three distances; this is the reason our style is a “mix”.

But we also strongly believe in teaching students how to focus and control their mind. The internal art of emotional control and concentration (otherwise known as meditation) is vital. Not only does having mental control effect your life in positive ways, it is also the MOST important component of real self-defense.

In short we are a mixed martial art, emphasizing skills from ALL three major distances, but we also place emphasis on strengthening the mind.

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The mental aspects DO matter:

To better describe the mental aspect of our art, I wrote two books: "Break The Chain! Volume I and II. These books explain how you can harness the power of your mind and emotions to improve every aspect of life.

How to choose a style or school.

Since physically most styles are similar what should you look for?

  1. The atmosphere should be bright, clean, friendly and professional.

  2. The art should be real -teaching practical self defense skills.

  3. You should get a GREAT workout in every class.

  4. There should be a focus on safety.

  5. You should be in classes with people your own age and share similar values.

  6. The teaching should be clear and understandable. You should be learning and making progress.

  7. There should be good etiquette in the dojo, and you should be treated with respect.

  8. And finally...
    There is still something more. We believe that Martial Arts is not simply a physical activity. In short, real Martial Arts should help you become a happier more effective human being.

A good Martial Arts school should help you get in great shape, teach you real world self defense, and teach you how to focus your mind.


List of common styles of martial arts in the US:

  • Karate (Various Styles) - Founded in Okinawa Japan. Characterized by strong striking and kicking techniques. Most influential figure in all of Karate was Gigin Funakoshi. Funokoshi brought Karate to the public school system of Japan. He was responsible for instilling the art as a practice of character development as well as self defense.

  • Kempo - Much of the same origins as Karate. Often when the name Kempo or Kenpo is used it represents a more pronounced Chinese rather than Japanese influence on the art.

  • Kenpo - Same as above.

  • Muay Thai Kickboxing - The national sport of Thailand. Combines boxing with powerful knees, elbows and kicks.

  • Boxing - The sport contains possibly the best strikers in the world.

  • Taekwondo - Korea's unique adaptation of the Okinawan art of Karate. Koreas unique cultural influence emphasize spectacular kicking techniques. Popularized through sports and Olympic competition.

  • Hapkido and Tang Soo Do - both Korean arts with more emphasis on practical self defense as opposed to competition

  • Aikido - Morei Ueishiba's contribution to the Martial Arts. Aikido emphasizes the use of Ki (Chi) energy to harmonize with oneself and your partners. Ueshiba's teaching of non-violence influenced most of the ethics in martial arts today, making him without question the greatest martial artist of the 20th century.

  • Judo - Jigoro Kano. The early modification of Japanese Ju Jitsu. Kano's methods became the most effective fighting techniques in Japan. Kano's methods also heavily influence Helio Gracie who modified these skills further and founded Brazilian Juiujitsu.

  • Wrestling - Sport practiced in our school systems, and at the Olympics.

  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - Founded by Helio Gracie. Grandmaster Gracie modified existing Japanese Jui-jitsu and judo and through experimentation refined it's techniques to work for his smaller frame. Grand Master Gracie left a treasure that is enjoyed worldwide today. Not originally created as a sport; but as a practical self defense method. Possibly the most effective system ever created.

  • Japanese Jujitsu - The ancient art of joint manipulation, throwing, ground technique and a limited number of strikes.

  • Jeet Kune Do - Known as "Bruce Lee's System". Master Lee didn't believe in naming styles; believing that the name would limit a students creativity. But in the end chose the name Jeet Kune Do (Way of the Intercepting Fist) to allow students to identify his philosophy and teaching method.

  • Krav Maga - Israeli Self Defense system used for military training.

  • Kung Fu - The oldest of all Martial Arts. Founded 500AD - Shoalin Temple, Hunan Province China by Taishi Daruma.

  • Ninjitsu - Ancient art of deception and stealth. Originally known as war time paid assins but modern practitioners have adopted the ethics practiced in modern Karate, Judo and other arts.

  • MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) - we are the headquarters of team Karoshi headed by Coach Mike Widmer